A message from our CEO:
Our youth are on my mind these days. Much of this comes from my personal life – I have two teen boys, one a freshman in college, the other a junior in high
school. For those of us who have young people in our lives, we know this time is challenging for them – socially, emotionally, and academically (and probably in that order). While new approaches to virtual learning have been provided to them, rarely have they been consulted on the design these solutions.
With a very insightful client, we have been seeking to better understand the role of relationships in the school setting, particularly from an equity standpoint, and how the intersections of race and gender play out for youth and their relationships with (often white) teachers. My next statement may seem obvious – but we must listen to our youth in order to understand their perspective and needs, and engage with them to co-create solutions. Many businesses understand that designing for the end-user is critical to uptake and maintaining the client connection for the long haul. It’s essential to business success and financial viability.
other day I listened to great insights from youth leaders on the At the Heart of the Matter: A New Generation of Good Troublemakers forum presented by the Colorado Health Foundation. They shared their ideas on how to make change, sometimes in spite of the structures and communication adults put in place, sometimes in collaboration. Youth are the end-users of our community and our education system – let’s harness their thinking to help us take the best next step.
No matter who your end-user is, take a listen to them, I’m sure you’ll learn great things. For more on feedback loops and the benefit of listening to those we “serve,” check out the Feedback Fundamentals series by Feedback Labs. It will provide some useful tips to begin or continue your listening journey.
With Gratitude,
Cindy Founder and CEO
If this message and/or the resources below resonate with you, please share this month’s Lab Notes with a friend or colleague.
“We know that the communities most proximate to the problems possess unique insight into the solutions. That is why, in everything we do, we ought to ensure that the people affected by our work are guaranteed a voice in its design and implementation.”
Watching & Listening
- TED Talk - A comical story of the hippos in Zambia, the damages of traditional western donor aid, and a simple suggestion to activate communities – shut up, and listen.
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ResultsLab reduces barriers to data literacy, equipping nonprofits with the mindset, skill set, and tool set they need to manifest their missions effectively, for the long-haul.
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