                     Lab Notes
A message from our CEO:

In our last Lab Notes I talked about Listening to Learn and Learning to Listen because listening is critical for so many things – data work, equity, customer-centric design, political process, civic engagement and representation, authentic relationships, and the list goes on.

When I lived in Kenya, one of my favorite greetings/farewells was tuko pamoja – literally “we are together.” This statement usually highlighted the connection you had with the person you were talking with, a kind of “I get you,” and often even meaning we are all in this together - here on earth - all of us. It conveys a shared sense of purpose and understanding, not just being present together. I loved that saying because the very root of it, the core meaning, is not how we often orient ourselves as Americans. We are independent, which can be good – leading to innovation, breakthrough thinking and change, and it can hurt us – leaving behind some for the good a few. 

We are all likely wondering right now if we can unify as a nation, and I can’t help but be endlessly excited about that possibility. For the social sector – where might we be able to go if we hear from and unify many perspectives and strengths? How can unity bring change?

Check out some resources below to help us collectively work together and create impactful solutions.

Tuko pamoja

Founder & CEO

If this message and/or the resources below resonate with you, please share this month’s Lab Notes with a friend or colleague.
November Resources
Watching & Listening
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ResultsLab reduces barriers to data literacy, equipping nonprofits with the mindset, skill set, and tool set they need to manifest their missions effectively, for the long-haul.

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