

A consistent message we’ve heard from those who work with data in the social sector, is that they serve in a lonely role. Often, they are the sole team member focused on capturing and understanding data, and they frequently face competing priorities for how that data will be used. Leadership buy-in is variable, and availability of systems and tools can be inconsistent. Additionally, many moved into the data role from another role – they “inherited” the responsibilities.

One of the most rewarding elements of our work at ResutlsLab, is getting to serve as companions for our clients, supporting individuals and organizations on the journey to better use data effectively, equitably, and for continuous improvement. We are a sounding board for problem solving, share realistic and applicable experiences, and connect clients with passionate people who know data and can bring tools and ideas to the table. Most of our clients crave that continued connection to a solid community of professionals with whom they can grow and learn.

So, it is with great excitement to share that we’ve launched ResultsLab’s Impact Collective! An online community designed to support impact focused data champions with professional development, growth and peer connection. A space where you can untangle your thoughts with others who have faced similar challenges, get advice from other experts in the field, access resources that we’ve used time and time again, and accelerate your learning through courses and other content.  You’ll also have access to our new thought-provoking Accelerate Speakers Series featuring industry leaders from organizations like NTEN, DataKind and Heather Krause’s We All Count! 

We are also excited to share the launch of our Data for Impact: ACT Model course that will also be available for a one-time fee for Impact Collective Members. This is an asynchronous online course to understand the fundamentals to implement ResultLab’s ACT Model – Align, Capture, Transform.  Upon completion participants will be able to design an Impact Strategy, create a solid Measurement Strategy + Plan, and draw insights from data to drive action. Other online courses and learning deep dives will be added for an additional one-time fee. One membership. Infinite Possibilities.

If you’re interested, or slightly curious,
check it out. We’d love for you to join us!

Hope to hear your thoughts.

Founder & CEO
November Resources



If you would like to contribute to content or would like us to include your resources in the future, please reach out to and we will connect with you!

For more resources and updates, follow ResultsLab on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter

ResultsLab is a woman-owned social enterprise that propels organizations, communities, and networks to the next level of impact through quality design and effective use of data. We are reinventing impact management by providing strategic design and capacity building for data informed decision-making to organizations and networks that exist to drive change for our communities.

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